

To be a focal point of inspiration, direction, support, and credible consultation for current and future athletes, who aspire to compete on a professional level of pay and play? Through our team of dedicated professionals and our established network of successful, highly touted athletes, we will conduct sports camps, counseling, and guest speaking events, personal mentoring, and extended family support workshops, throughout the United States. Our goal is to positively alter the attitudinal and behavioral perspective of young developing athletes regarding what it means to conduct themselves like the consummate ‘professional / athlete’ both on and off the field.

Corporate Structure & Management-*Upon Request…

Market Analysis

For each category below, we explicitly define what services PAWGroup, LP will provide:

Professional League Sports – Comprehensive player development services (intervention & prevention based) which compliment the current efforts being made to help players & their families manage their lives during and after their careers.

Former Players – Help ensure that all former players can maximize their influence over the next generation of youth that idolize them. Our services provide a sustained effort of involvement at the professional, family, and community levels, in major cities across the country. 

Current Players – Develop a greater awareness as to the impending consequences of flawed decision making. We proved this compliment of active players a long-term reason and transition plan, which keeps them focused, trouble free, being the productive ‘citizen-athlete’ they, and the greater community desires them to be.

Future Players – Emerging players on the precipice of entering the exciting, challenged filled, realm of professional athletics, need a support network of people they can trust and will help them navigate those many challenges, personally, financially, and socially. By affiliating ourselves with current & former athletes, the PAWGroup is perfectly situated, and competently and staffed, to supply that wealth of knowledge and function as that vital support team to the emerging athlete.

College Athletes – Many, if not all, college athletes aspire to compete on Sundays (at the professional level). Most college athletes however will end up making a living outside of the realm of professional sports. We, at PAWGroup want to assist the college athlete to still be the most successful individual and community member he/she can be. By championing the support of our in-house team of expert, made up of former, and current professional athletes, we, here again offer the guidance and support required to help these current college athletes achieve success in various walks of life.

High and Middle Schools – Boys and Girls will be………. BETTER. Better prepared, better developed, better treated, and better informed, by PAWGroup’s expert counseling, intervention, and prevention techniques designed for your talented middle or high school athlete’s success. PAWGroup consulting fills the often-existing void of missing role models (using a staff of successful current and former professional athletes, successful business persons, civic leaders, and top tier collegiate coaches) as we help develop your athlete for future success. We see role models and other influential people as the ‘missing link’ that can inspire your athlete to achieve his /her athletic goals and aspirations.

Community – As projected by the US Census Bureau, our communities, urban, suburban and rural communities alike, have become ever more diverse. One thing that remains constant amongst the myriad of youth (and not-so-youthful often) in these diverse communities is an affinity for sports. Active involvement in sports can transcends cultural barriers and act as a potential springboard to a professional career for a select group of talented individuals. Accessible public spaces for sportplay to commence, and sportsmanship to be learned, can also offer any community a significant and viable economic boost if managed and supported effectively. We at PAWGroup LP, provide just that type of sports-based community development. One of our goals is to ensure that the next generation of sportsman and women are counseled, directed and supported, onto a pathway of fun and success. This means ensuring that communities from urban to rural are provided the proper resources in which people can become conscious of the value of the sports culture, develop skills, and aspire to excellence both academically as well as athletically

Parents – Despite everything we are doing, nothing will change the fact that parents hold the cards to sustainable wellness. Therefore, we focus so much attention and provide numerous resources for parents and involved community members by assisting them with things to maximize the potential of their son or daughter in becoming a professional athlete. Even though many children may fall short of reaching that dream, the tools needed to succeed in life are fundamentally the same for every profession or avocation


Services The Professional Athlete Wellness Group, LP (PAWGroup) has three (3) specific functions; all interconnected by one larger purpose. Ultimately, our purpose is to inspire children to seek personal excellence by using the allure of professional athletes to impart universal traits of success and positive character development. The strategy is three (3) fold. 1. Work directly with professional athletes competing in every major league and/or sport. We will serve these athletes and leagues in two (2) capacities…Intervention programs & Prevention programs…all dealing with behavioral management and personal development. As an independent contractor, we will work with players, coaches, and teams as well as work with the Player Associations. Because of our services, players will make healthier decisions both on and off the field. This will translate into more money for the players, coaches, teams, agents, and anybody else trying to make a living in professional sports. 2. Recruit influential athletes that have a desire to leave a legacy of both professional and personal excellence. The PAWGroup, LP will compensate these athletes to speak, mentor, and participate in our various programs and activities that are uniquely designed to support and ensure the ongoing success of aspiring professional athletes. 3. PAWG will travel the country with unique sports camps targeting aspiring professional athletes with the sole purpose and intent of providing direction, support and experienced consultation specifically designed to help the young athlete ‘sidestep’ the veritable ‘minefield’ of pitfalls that can derail his dreams and aspirations. All a caring parent, coach, or concerned community member need to do is observe the numerous high-profile news accounts that regularly record the overwhelming number of prominent professional athletes ‘self-inflicted’ defeats. In our estimation far too many of today’s (and in some instances, yesterdays) athletes are inadequately supported and ‘wholistically’ developed for successful careers that can be totally absent of such negative encounters and experiences. PAWGroup associates and staff teach the fundamentals of the specific sport as your student athlete simultaneously as we also aim to inspire each child to strive for personal excellence. Our sports camps are unique because they engage the parents and the community on multiple levels while providing them with the tools and resources to guide their young athlete’s academic, social, and civic development. Some of our session/workshop’s offerings include but not limited to:

I. Outlining the realities of the journey Through and Too Professional Sports.

II. Financial Mastery in and out of Sports.

III. NCAA Rules, Requirements and Regulations.

IV. Character Development.

V. Life Skills for L.I.F.E. – (Living in Fear of Excellence)

VI. Health and Nutritional Robustness.

VII. Effective Communication and Negotiation proficiencies. (Your net-work is your net-worth)

VIII. Image and Career Development. (Your Attitude defines your Altitude)

IX. Academic / Athletic Excellence- (How to manage both and win).

X. College Fair for Students and Parents.

XI. The Dream – The Journey – The Manifestation of becoming a Professional _________.

XII. Knowing your Numbers.

XIII. The Athlete Showcase.

XIV. Developing Relationships – (It’s not who you know, it’s who knows about You!!)

XV. Women in sports (Knowing their journey)

XVI. Social Responsibility.


The PAWGroup, LP revenue streams will be generated from several sources; Contracts with major leagues, Professional Players Associations, Sports Camps, Speaking Engagements, Mentoring, Special Events, Sponsorships, Business Endorsements, Webinars and conventional workshops for parents and sports associated civic leader, Coaches Forums, as well as occasional charitable donations.